Life Update

Hello friends!

You might be wondering who this is since I’ve been gone for a while so here is what I’ve been up to and some of my future plans!

I believe I had already mentioned here that I was moving and it was done but then I had to leave the house I was in and find a new one in record time, so you can see why I’ve been gone so long. Thankfully, every thing is sorted now and I am in my new house, living with two of my closest friends, which is honestly a dream come true. Because of the moving my life turned into absolute chaos and I disappeared from everywhere, including Bookstagram.

However, now that I’ve regained some normalcy back, I’m super excited for the future. I definitely want to keep up the blog, as I love writing and it allows me to explore different themes! I will also be coming back to Bookstagram, and I have some ideas that I really want to put in motion, I just need to find a friend to help me shoot everything how I want. Lastly, I really want to get back to posting on my Travel instagram! I’m not sure if I ever mentioned it here, but this is where I post all the pictures from my travels and I decided to do this so that my beautiful pictures don’t just stay on my laptop where no one else can appreciate them.

As for life in general, we are now entering my favourite season, Summer time! I have two festivals that I am really excited about and I just love going to the beach and have lots of plans with my friends.

I hope you are all doing great and I can’t wait to be back!

Until next time,

– S


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