The Sunday Review #3

Hello friends, welcome to another Sunday Review, a weekly installment hosted by Liv where I update you on all things I’ve been enjoying! This one is going to be a bit longer than usual, as I have been gone for a while but after this  we return to our regular schedule.


Books Finished

I’m trying to read one a month of these and so far I’m really enjoying it!

This was my first Roald Dahl and I really liked it. The three stars are mainly because you can tell it’s for children but still, very enjoyable.

This was the first book I’ve read after all the chaos of moving and it was exaclty what I needed. Cassie never disappoints and my boys Malec are everything.

Slowly making my way through Schwab’s books and she will, for sure, be one of my faves. This one wasn’t as good as what I’m used to but it was one of the first ones so there’s that. Still, very interesting plot that could’ve been a tad bit more developed but very enjoyable.

As you can see, I have finally finished the Throne of Glass series! I had previously read up until EoS but I decided to do a massive re-read and it was great because there was a lot that I had forgotten. The last book felt a bit underwhelming to me, as I feel like it should have had something like what happens at the end of EoS but I was pretty happy with how it was wrapped up.

  • Sadie, by Courtney Sumers    ★★★★

This was chosen by a friend of mine and it is not what I usually read but I really really enjoyed it. It is told in a podcast form, mixed with a character’s POV, so I decided to listen to it in Audiobook and I think it is the best way to experience this book.

What a book. Be warned that it deals with rape, but it is such a necessary read. Very relevant given what is hapenning in society nowadays, and something that everyone should read. The more we openly discuss these topics, the less taboo there is around them.


Books I’ve Added to my Goodreads


Books I’m Currently Reading

I am currently reading If We Were Villains and I need to finish The Hero of Ages. I have recently started using Scribd as well, so I am in the process of choosing an audiobook to listen to.


Songs I’ve Been Listening To

I have been listening to a lot of Taylor Swift, mainly because of the song she did with Brendon Urie, from Panic! At The Disco. That was the collaboration I never knew I needed and it led me back to Tay Tay.


What I’ve Been Up To

So like I mentioned on my last post, I had to move again, but this time is the real deal. I’m now settled in and I’m really enjoying it, really excited for all the projects and ideas I have in mind.


Gaming, Movies and TV Shows

  • Watched Avengers: Endgame and wow, never thought they could wrap up the era in such a brilliant way, amazing
  • At the opposite end, today is the last episode of Game of Thrones ever, but after last week I honestly don’t know what to think. So many hours invested in this show and they majorly screw it up and ruin all the characters, what a shame.
  • Recently, my brother and I have been going through our old consoles and I found my old Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix game for PS2 and I am currently playing it one last time before selling it because nostalgia is a real thing.


There you have it! Let me know what you have been up to lately.

Until next time,

– S



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